The group is confident that its ‘Vote No’ campaign will be boosted by the presence of a Thai representative at the World Heritage Committee meeting.
The People’s Alliance for Democracy, or PAD, Spokesman Parnthep Puapongpan said Cambodia’s Defense Minister Tea Bahn has revealed that Thai Defense Minister Prawit Wongsuwan has given his consent for Indonesian observers to enter the disputed 4.6 square kilometer territory.
Parnthep claimed the observers were told to dress as civilians so there presence is not known to the Thai public.
Parnthep said the defense minister's decision goes against the will of the Thai public.
He believes the presence of foreign observers would prevent the Thai troops from being able to react if Cambodian troops trespass onto the disputed land.
Parnthep called on Prawit and Foreign Minister Kasit Piromya to clarify the issue to the public.
He fears the move could be the turning point for the request submitted by Cambodia to the International Court of Justice asking that it to review the previous ruling on the ownership of the 4.6 square kilometers of land surrounding Preah Vihear.
Parnthep added that Thailand should not be represented by a French lawyer and should state its stance that it will not accept the court’s ruling.
The PAD spokesman also said that the group’s ‘Vote No’ campaign will receive more support if the Thai government sends a representative to the World Heritage Committee meeting on June 26 -29.
At the meeting they will vote whether to accept Cambodia’s management plan of Preah Vihear Temple.
PAD core leader Chamlong Srimuang responded to a question about how the PAD stands to benefit if the Pheu Thai pushes for amnesty for those convicted of political crimes.
He said the group has always respect the judicial process because it has always acted in the best interest of the public.
He stated there's no need for the PAD to seek amnesty for the crimes it's being accused of.
TAN Network