Phnom Penh - Thirty gamblers and staff at a Cambodian casino were
injured over the weekend when a ceiling collapsed on them while workers
were installing security cameras, national media reported Tuesday.
The accident took place Saturday evening at the Sunday Casino in the
south-eastern province of Kampot near the border with Vietnam.
The Cambodia Daily newspaper said six Vietnamese gamblers and a Cambodian card dealer were critically injured.
The head of the border crossing, Phan Sophal, told the newspaper that
around 100 customers and staff were on the casino floor at the time.
'The casino has only been open since September, and many Vietnamese
come to play every day,' he said. 'But it was built wrong technically
and with poor quality.'
He added that the casino would close until repairs were completed.
Cambodia has 27 casinos, but it is illegal for Cambodians to gamble in
any of them. Most casinos are located along the borders with Vietnam
and Thailand.
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