THE HAGUE - Cambodia has asked the International Court of Justice to
order Thailand to withdraw its troops from the disputed area around the
temple of Preah Vihear as a matter of urgency, the ICJ said Tuesday.
Cambodia demanded "an immediate and unconditional withdrawal of all
Thai forces from those parts of Cambodian territory situated in the area
of the Temple of Preah Vihear" in an application filed before the
The UN court, based in The Hague, ruled in 1962 that the Khmer temple
belonged to Cambodia, but both Phnom Penh and Bangkok claim ownership
of a 4.6-square-kilometre surrounding area.
Cambodia on Thursday asked the ICJ to clarify that ruling.
The request "for the interpretation of the court's judgment ...
concerning the temple of Preah Vihear" was prompted by "Thailand's
repeated armed aggression to exert its claims to Cambodian territory,"
the Cambodian foreign ministry said Friday.
The court will examine Cambodia's demand in hearings within the next few months, but an exact date has not yet been set.
"The filing of Cambodia's application gave rise to the opening of a new case," the ICJ added in the press release.
It was only the seventh time the United Nations' highest judicial
organisation - founded in 1946 - has been asked to clarify a decision.
In the other six instances, requests to clarify ICJ decisions were made one or two years later.
The Cambodian government on Friday said the ICJ's clarification over
the disputed area was of
"the utmost necessity ... in order to
peacefully and definitely settle the boundary problem between the two
countries in the area."
"Since April 22, serious incidents have occurred in the area of the
Temple of Preah Vihear... as well as at several locations along the
boundary of the two states, causing fatalities, injuries and the
evacuation of local inhabitants," Cambodia said.
Eight Thai troops and nine Cambodian soldiers have died in the last two weeks in the conflict around two disputed temples.
Relations between the two countries have been strained since the
900-year-old Khmer temple of Preah Vihear was granted UN World Heritage
status in July 2008, despite the IJC's 1962 ruling in favour of
But Thailand controlled its main access and both countries demanded the 4.6-square-kilometre zone around the structure.
Asia One News