Break for byline/break for normal. Nascent rice exporting industry is eager to ship, offering to undercut competitors.
PHNOM PENH: Cambodia has held high-level talks
with the Philippines that could result in the country's fledgling
rice-export industry competing with Thailand and Vietnam for contracts
to supply the world's largest importer.
On the sidelines of the recent Asean Summit in Indonesia, Prime
Minister Hun Sen offered to sell rice at lower prices than competitors
in a meeting with Filipino President Benigno Aquino, according to a
Cambodian government aide. The offer was made in return for investment
in Cambodia's under-developed agricultural sector, said Srey Thamrong,
an adviser to Hun Sen, who was present during the talks in Jakarta on
May 7.
''They expressed their desire to import rice,'' he said, adding that
President Aquino told Hun Sen he would appoint a team of government
officials to negotiate the arrangement.
The meeting followed a fact-finding mission by the Philippines
National Food Authority to Phnom Penh early last month as part of the
Aquino government's plans to diversify and reduce spending on rice
imports that hit 2.25 million tonnes last year, the highest in the
''We are studying the possibility of Cambodia as an alternate source
[of imports],'' NFA chief of staff Gilbert Lauengco told the Phnom Penh
Post in April. Shipments would start ''at the very latest next year'',
he added, although the exact amount and price the Philippines would pay
Cambodia is yet to be agreed.
NFA Administrator Angelito Banayo told the Philippines' annual Rice
Congress earlier this year the country paid an average US$630 per tonne
for rice imports in 2010, or $1.42 billion overall, which represented
more than 44% of the Philippines $3.47 billion trade deficit for the
This figure is set to fall dramatically in 2011 amid rising rice
stocks and improved domestic production in the Philippines, according to
government projections, providing tropical storms do not damage crops
as has happened in the past in the typhoon-prone country. A Department
of Agriculture report showed Philippines rice stocks reached a record
3.08 million tonnes by April 1, up 8% on the same period last year,
while rice production climbed an annualised 16% in the first quarter to
just over 4 million tonnes.
In response, the NFA has announced plans to slash rice imports to
just 860,000 tonnes this year after the new Aquino government accused
its predecessors of over stockpiling rice, a move likely to further
diminish opportunities for the country's two main suppliers Vietnam and
Thailand as Manila also looks to add Cambodia as a lower-cost
Reports in the Philippines said the government has agreed to purchase
200,000 tonnes from Vietnam this year as part of a rice-supply deal
with Hanoi, while Thailand is set to be the main supplier of the
country's reduced-tariffs programme with an agreement to ship 98,000
In recent years Thailand, the world's largest rice exporter, has
struggled to compete with Vietnam to supply the grain to the Philippines
after shipments of 500,000 tonnes in 2008 dwindled to 80,000 tonnes in
2009 before climbing again to more than 200,000 tonnes last year. In the
past Thailand has said it hopes to ship half a million tonnes of rice
per year to the Philippines.
Meanwhile, Vietnam is also set to lose out if the Philippines imports
rice from Cambodia, say analysts. The Thai Rice Exporters Association
estimates Cambodia supplies up to 1.5 million tonnes of paddy to Vietnam
every year, which is then processed and shipped on as official export
produce to markets including the Philippines. But during the talks in
Jakarta, Mr Aquino reportedly told Hun Sen that Manila was ready to
''remove the middleman'' _ Vietnam _ resulting in lower import prices
for the Philippines should Cambodia become equipped to process and ship
the necessary quantities of rice, which is not yet the case.
''Cambodia's rice exports are mainly to Thailand and Vietnam at the
moment and that is Cambodia's best option while the necessary downstream
structures and logistics are not yet in place,'' said Korbsook Iamsuri,
president of the Thai Rice Exporters Association.
It remains unclear whether the Philippines will meet Hun Sen's
request for the necessary investment in Cambodia's underdeveloped
agricultural industry, subject to a formal agreement.
Although Cambodia is currently the world's seventh-largest exporter,
it still has a long way to go before it can turn a paddy surplus
estimated at just under 4 million tonnes this year into processed rice
of a quality ready for shipment given inadequate infrastructure, high
electricity prices and a lack of financing options in the industry.
''Hence Cambodian rice is not yet a threat to [the] export markets of both Thailand and Vietnam,'' said Ms Korbsook.
Bangkok Post