No Thai-Cambodia border row resolution

No smiles and no meeting of minds - as Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono strongarmed Prime Ministers Abhisit Vejjajiva (centre) and Hun Sen (right) into the same room, but at the end, they were still blaming each other. (AFP Photo)
The Association of South-east Asian Nations (ASEAN) has failed to resolve a bitter border row between Thailand and Cambodia which hijacked the agenda of an annual summit in Indonesia.

ASEAN leaders said the dispute was threatening regional unity and overshadowing the 10-nation group's strategic message of economic integration, but were unable to wring any compromises from the feuding neighbours.

The bloc's weakness in conflict resolution was thrown into stark relief when the leaders' final statement merely said the dispute 'should be amicably resolved in the spirit of ASEAN solidarity'.

It also welcomed an in-principle agreement to allow Indonesian military observers on the disputed border and called on Jakarta, the current chair of ASEAN, to continue its mediation efforts.

Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono hosted an unscheduled meeting with the Thai and Cambodian leaders on Sunday morning but failed to achieve a breakthrough in negotiations.

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen admitted after the meeting that the row was 'spoiling' the summit, which was supposed to focus on plans to create a harmonised economic community by 2015.

'Everyone knows that the problem of the Thai-Cambodia border has been spoiling the atmosphere and also creates a challenge for ASEAN,' he told reporters.

'I'm not sure whether it can go forward or not, but at least the atmosphere of the meeting is good.'

Eighteen people have been killed and 85,000 temporarily displaced in weeks of clashes over ownership of a small patch of territory surrounding an 11th-century Khmer temple. The temple itself belongs to Cambodia.

In a highly critical tone not usually heard at ASEAN meetings, Hun Sen on Saturday accused Thailand of invading Cambodia and seeking to prolong the conflict 'in order to violate weaker neighbouring ASEAN members'.

Thai Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva responded by saying he was ready for dialogue and insisting the matter be resolved bilaterally, instead of under UN auspices as Cambodia wants.

He agreed that the dispute, which was not on the formal agenda of the summit, threatened to undermine the credibility of the bloc's rhetoric about regional integration and playing a greater role in world affairs.

'I accept that the issue could affect the credibility of ASEAN. We must therefore make sure that any problem should be solved, locally, bilaterally and if needed with the facilitation of the region,' Abhisit said.

'Thailand recognises full well that any conflict between ASEAN member states can undermine ASEAN's community-building efforts.'

Indonesia has been trying to find a solution to the conflict on behalf of ASEAN, but so far it has achieved little except the in-principle agreement to accept a small team of military observers on the border.

Officials said the two leaders had only agreed to have their foreign ministers meet again in Jakarta on Monday to discuss the conflict further.

Putting a brave face on the episode, ASEAN Secretary General Surin Pitsuwan said: 'The fact that they are meeting is a good sign.'

But other ASEAN leaders were not so sanguine.

Philippine President Benigno Aquino, speaking to reporters late on Saturday, said ASEAN unity was at stake and expressed concern that the conflict could worsen.

'How can we have one ASEAN, one family, if we have two major components who cannot solve their problems?' he asked.

In addition to strategic integration, other issues on the table at the summit included food and energy security, territorial disputes in the South China Sea, the scourge of human trafficking and East Timor's membership bid.

Burma stole the headlines on Friday when ASEAN officials announced that the military-led country - which is under Western sanctions for serial human rights abuses - had asked to chair the group in 2014.

US-based Human Rights Watch said ASEAN would become the 'laughing stock of intergovernmental forums' if it granted the request.

The ASEAN chairman's statement at the end of the meeting said only that the request had been 'considered', meaning the leaders deferred a decision to a later date.

It also emphasised the 'need for a breakthrough' in talks with Beijing about a code of conduct in the South China Sea, a strategic maritime route where China and several ASEAN members have competing territorial claims.

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